lu_x spends
to gain
(Power action)
lu_x sacrificed
in Bowl 2 to get
from Bowl 2 to Bowl 3
08:29 AM
ppztest003 pays
and gets
via Structures [D4]
3/23/2025 02:17 AM
lu_x pays
and gets
via Structures [D4]
10:00 PM
housleyjk builds a Dwelling for
housleyjk earns
(Kääbikud Ability)
housleyjk transforms a Terrain space
housleyjk spends
to gain
(Power action)
housleyjk sacrificed
in Bowl 2 to get
from Bowl 2 to Bowl 3
09:58 PM
Sagh24 builds a Dwelling for
Sagh24 transforms a Terrain space
08:09 PM
lu_x gets
via Structures [E7]
housleyjk gets
via Structures [E7]
ppztest003 upgrades a Dwelling to a Trading house for
01:55 PM
ppztest003 gets
via Structures [D5]
lu_x builds a Dwelling for
lu_x transforms a Terrain space
12:43 PM
housleyjk otsustab mitte oma ressursse konverteerida
housleyjk gains
on the Cult of Earth track and earns
housleyjk saadab preestri Cult of Earth ordusse. Igaveseks!
12:42 PM
housleyjk gets
via Structures [F3]
Sagh24 upgrades a Dwelling to a Trading house for
12:28 PM
~ Järelejäänud boonuskaardid saavad igaüks ühe mündi ~
Sagh24 chooses 1 Bonus card
12:27 PM
housleyjk chooses 1 Bonus card
11:30 AM
lu_x chooses 1 Bonus card
08:47 AM
ppztest003 chooses 1 Bonus card
3/22/2025 06:49 AM
Sagh24 places a Dwelling [I7]
Sagh24 places a Dwelling [G7]
07:58 PM
housleyjk places a Dwelling [E6]
03:21 PM
lu_x places a Dwelling [A3]
03:03 PM
ppztest003 places a Dwelling [C5]
ppztest003 places a Dwelling [E7]
02:38 PM
lu_x places a Dwelling [C3]
3/21/2025 07:59 AM
housleyjk places a Dwelling [F5]
06:22 PM
Sagh24 places a Dwelling [F3]
06:06 PM
~ Iga mängija on valinud endale tegelase ja saanud vastavad alustusresursid. ~
ppztest003 mängib Engineers tegelasega (alustab
lu_x mängib Witches tegelasega (alustab
housleyjk mängib Kääbikud tegelasega (alustab
Sagh24 mängib Nomaadid tegelasega (alustab
~ The Factions auction is over ~
housleyjk bids on the Kääbikud with 40 Starting VPs
03:12 PM
Sagh24 has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
lu_x has not been outbid for Faction Witches and is skipped
ppztest003 bids on the Engineers with 33 Starting VPs
02:54 PM
housleyjk bids on the Engineers with 34 Starting VPs
12:58 PM
Sagh24 has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
lu_x has not been outbid for Faction Witches and is skipped
ppztest003 bids on the Engineers with 35 Starting VPs
12:51 PM
housleyjk bids on the Engineers with 36 Starting VPs
12:48 PM
Sagh24 has not been outbid for Faction Nomads and is skipped
lu_x has not been outbid for Faction Witches and is skipped
ppztest003 bids on the Engineers with 37 Starting VPs
12:47 PM
housleyjk bids on the Engineers with 38 Starting VPs
12:32 PM
Sagh24 bids on the Nomaadid with 39 Starting VPs
12:23 PM
lu_x bids on the Witches with 40 Starting VPs
08:05 AM
ppztest003 bids on the Engineers with 39 Starting VPs
3/19/2025 12:15 AM
housleyjk bids on the Engineers with 40 Starting VPs
11:30 PM
Fire and Ice - Factions: Väljas
Fire and Ice - Final Scoring tiles: Väljas
Landscapes expansion: Väljas
Assigning faction Dwarves on
to play in position #4
Assigning faction Auren on
to play in position #3
Assigning faction Kääbikud on
to play in position #2
Assigning faction Fakiirid on
to play in position #1
3/18/2025 12:46 PM
Kas sa teadsid?Et mängida täisekraanil, vajuta: