Saa oma Payoost lahti!
Papayoos pole poisse, emandaid ega kuningaid - ainult üks ebaharilik täring ning viies mast nimega Payoo. Eesmärk on saada kõige vähem punkte; selleks püüa vältida nende jubedate Payoode kogumist ning eelkõige väldi Papayood, seda segaduses 7, mille mast vahetub iga uue käega. Oh, seda neetud täringut!
Kui sa ei ole oma kaartidega rahul, ära tusatse; lihtsalt anna oma kaardid enne alustamist endast vasakul olevale mängijale. Aga tee õige valik, sest sina saad oma paremal käel oleva mängija kaardid. Seejärel lihtsalt mängi oma kaardid. Parim mängija alati ei võida!
Mängijate arv: 3 - 8
Mängu kestus: 14 mn
Keerukus: 1 / 5
Mängi Papayoo ja 988 other games veebis.
Allalaadimine ei ole vajalik - mängi otse oma veebibrauseris.
Oma sõprade ja tuhandete mängijatega kogu maailmast.
Vaba. Tasuta.
Mängi Papayoo ja 988 other games veebis.
Allalaadimine ei ole vajalik - mängi otse oma veebibrauseris.
Oma sõprade ja tuhandete mängijatega kogu maailmast.
Vaba. Tasuta.
Reeglite kokkuvõte
- Papayoo is a trick-taking game with five suits:
- The object of the game is to take as few points as possible.
- Boardgame Arena measures these points as negative. Therefore, the player whose score is closest to 0 will be the winner.
- 8-sided die.
- 1♠2♠3♠4♠5♠6♠7♠8♠9♠10♠
- 1♥2♥3♥4♥5♥6♥7♥8♥9♥10♥
- 1♣2♣3♣4♣5♣6♣7♣8♣9♣10♣
- 1♦2♦3♦4♦5♦6♦7♦8♦9♦10♦
- 1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P10P11P12P13P14P15P16P17P18P19P20P
- Payoo cards are worth points equal to their number value.
- The Papayoo card is the 7 of one of the other suits and is worth 40 points.
Game play
- Deal all of the cards.
- 1♠1♥1♣1♦ are removed for 7-8 players.
- Depending on the number of players, choose 3-5 cards to pass face-down to the player to your left.
- This must be done before you look at any cards passed to you.
- Once all players have passed cards, an eight-sided die is rolled.
- Whichever side lands face up determines which 7 card is worth points in that round.
- For example, if ♠ is rolled, the 7♠ is worth 40 points.
- The dealer plays first, with any card from their hand.
- In clockwise rotation, each player plays a card.
- Suit must be followed where possible.
- There is no trump suit; the highest card in the led suit wins the trick.
- Whoever takes the trick leads the next trick.
- The number of rounds is determined before the game.
- Points are accumulated throughout the game.
- The total number of points in the round should equal to 250.
Cards distribution
# players | # cards in hand | # cards to pass left | cards removed |
3 | 20 | 5 | - |
4 | 15 | 5 | - |
5 | 12 | 4 | - |
6 | 10 | 3 | - |
7 | 8 | 3 | 1♠1♥1♣1♦ |
8 | 7 | 3 |