Tagasi avalehele
Mängu laadimine (10%)
Laud #644575615
Käik #97
Edenemine 86%


Kuva mängu logi
Näita tööriistavihjeid
Final draft of each 3+ player round
Confirm skipping Construction
Confirm skipping FINAL Construction

Mängu suvandid

Mängu kiirus
Bunny Express Micro Expansion
Bunnoleon Card
Bunny'shtar Card
Bunny Jones Card
Bunny Kingdom Dark Card
Collector Card
Flying Bunny Card
Rolling Tower Card
Mängu on mängu algusest uuendatud: Taasesitus on seetõttu EKSPERIMENTAALNE.
You discarded this Territory's card
Roquefort Deer
-Camp (6)-
Place a Camp token and one of your Rabbits on an empty Territory.
-Sky Tower-
Connect 2 of your Territories with Sky Tower tokens.
Drafting Hand
-Sky Tower-
Connect 2 of your Territories with Sky Tower tokens.
Drafting Hand
-Camp (1)-
Place a Camp token and one of your Rabbits on an empty Territory.
-Camp (2)-
Place a Camp token and one of your Rabbits on an empty Territory.
-Sky Tower-
Connect 2 of your Territories with Sky Tower tokens.
Drafting Hand



0 -563710238 eur Visitor-563


Kuva mängu logi
Näita tööriistavihjeid
Final draft of each 3+ player round
Confirm skipping Construction
Confirm skipping FINAL Construction

Mängu suvandid

Mängu kiirus
Bunny Express Micro Expansion
Bunnoleon Card
Bunny'shtar Card
Bunny Jones Card
Bunny Kingdom Dark Card
Collector Card
Flying Bunny Card
Rolling Tower Card

Märkus: 3D on eksperimentaalne

Sa oled selle mängu vaatleja
Board Options
Viewing Angle
Perspective (3D)
Birds-Eye (2D)
Card Options
Card size
2 päeva
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2 päeva
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2 päeva
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Vaatlejad: Visitor-563710238
birdman33 places a Trading Post card in front of them.
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in B1.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in E10.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in I4.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in F5.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in E6.
12:25 PM
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
birdman33 places a Tower (Strength 1) card in front of them.
Neverhoodoff places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in J10.
Neverhoodoff plays a Provisions card and immediately draws and plays 2 additional cards.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in J8.
Roquefort Deer places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Roquefort Deer places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
06:13 AM
birdman33 places a Diamond Farm card in front of them.
birdman33 places a Gold Mine card in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in I3.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower (Strength 3) card in front of them.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in D9.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in G8.
Roquefort Deer plays a Provisions card and immediately draws and plays 2 additional cards.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in I10.
3/21/2025 02:50 AM
birdman33 scores 32 from Fiefs (8x4=32)
Neverhoodoff scores 32 from Fiefs (16x2=32)
Roquefort Deer scores 30 from Fiefs (5x6=30)
Neverhoodoff places a Tower 1 in H8.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower 2 in J5.
10:41 PM
birdman33 places a Tower 1 in A10.
01:52 AM
Roquefort Deer places a Carrot Farm in D4.
12:21 AM
Roquefort Deer places a Tower 2 in C4.
Roquefort Deer places a Mushroom Farm in F1.
3/20/2025 12:11 AM
Neverhoodoff places a Camp in I4.
11:03 PM
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in D1.
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in F10.
Neverhoodoff places a Sky Towers card in front of them.
Neverhoodoff places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in A1.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in E5.
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in A6.
Neverhoodoff places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Neverhoodoff places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Roquefort Deer places a Trading Post card in front of them.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in C4.
10:42 PM
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in D6.
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Neverhoodoff places a Camp (5) card in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in H8.
Roquefort Deer places a Sky Towers card in front of them.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in H10.
05:20 PM
birdman33 places a Camp (2) card in front of them.
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in C1.
Neverhoodoff places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in D4.
Roquefort Deer places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
12:02 PM
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in B7.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in I5.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in I8.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in E2.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in D3.
04:33 AM
Roquefort Deer played the Bunny Kingdom Dark card and destroyed their city at A4. The ruins now produce a luxury resource.
03:11 AM
Roquefort Deer plays a Bunny Kingdom Dark card.
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower (Strength 2) card in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in I9.
Roquefort Deer places a Mushroom Farm card in front of them.
03:03 AM
birdman33 scores 24 from Fiefs (6x4=24)
Neverhoodoff scores 18 from Fiefs (6x2=12, 6x1=6)
Roquefort Deer scores 7 from Fiefs (2x3=6, 1x1=1)
Neverhoodoff places a Tower 1 in J6.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower 1 in I2.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower 1 in G4.
12:14 AM
Neverhoodoff places a Tower 2 in H2.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower 2 in I6.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower 3 in J7.
3/19/2025 12:13 AM
birdman33 places a Tower 1 in A10.
birdman33 places a Tower 1 in C7.
birdman33 places a Tower 2 in A9.
05:31 PM
Roquefort Deer places a Tower 2 in F4.
Roquefort Deer places a Spice Farm in E3.
05:00 PM
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in H4.
Neverhoodoff places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in E7.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in E9.
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in H5.
birdman33 places a Tower (Strength 1) card in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in G4.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in H3.
Roquefort Deer places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Roquefort Deer places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
12:23 PM
birdman33 places a Tower (Strength 1) card in front of them.
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in A9.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower (Strength 1) card in front of them.
Neverhoodoff places a Tower (Strength 1) card in front of them.
Roquefort Deer places a Camp (6) card in front of them.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in A4.
04:47 AM
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in B9.
birdman33 plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in A8.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in J3.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in J5.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in F4.
Roquefort Deer places a Tower (Strength 2) card in front of them.
3/18/2025 12:35 AM
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in I7.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in J6.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in C2.
Roquefort Deer plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in B4.
04:48 PM
birdman33 places a Tower (Strength 2) card in front of them.
birdman33 places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Neverhoodoff plays a Territory Card and places a Rabbit in G2.
Neverhoodoff places a Parchment card face-down in front of them.
Roquefort Deer places a Tower (Strength 2) card in front of them.
Roquefort Deer places a Spice Farm card in front of them.
12:25 PM
birdman33 scores 4 from Fiefs (2x2=4)
Neverhoodoff scores 0 from Fiefs (No fiefs have strength and wealth)
Roquefort Deer scores 0 from Fiefs (No fiefs have strength and wealth)
3/17/2025 07:31 AM
birdman33 places a Iron Mine in C6.
birdman33 places a Tower 2 in B8.
3/16/2025 11:05 PM
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