Cheesy_Nacho places Spent marker on
Rumford Cheesy_Nacho attacks Rumford
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from Zawakwtegok to Rumford
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from Number Four to Zawakwtegok
06:57 AM
Cheesy_Nacho performs Movement with stack in Number Four
06:54 AM
Cheesy_Nacho holds
for Reaction
3/19/2025 06:53 AM
Cheesy_Nacho places Spent marker on
YORK Cheesy_Nacho scores 1 Victory Point
Cheesy_Nacho takes control of YORK
Frigo Relou moves a stack from YORK to NEWFOUNDLAND
10:18 PM
Cheesy_Nacho Overwhelms enemy stack in YORK
Cheesy_Nacho places
on their stack in
YORK Cheesy_Nacho Lands their units on the Sail Box on YORK
Frigo Relou sends
to the Losses Box
Frigo Relou sends
to the Losses Box
Frigo Relou resolves Smallpox-Infected Blankets Event
Cheesy_Nacho chooses the French to be first
10:17 PM
The French gain initiative
Both players have selected a card. Cards are revealed
Cheesy_Nacho removes
from their stack on
Number Four Cheesy_Nacho rolls
for their stack in
Number Four: the stack Rallies
No Out of Supply markers added or removed
All Spent, Landing and Marshal markers are removed
All played cards are discarded
Frigo Relou removes
from their stack on
NORTHFIELD Frigo Relou removes
from their stack on
NORTHFIELD Frigo Relou removes
from their stack on
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from NORTHFIELD to Number Four
Cheesy_Nacho eliminates
NORTHFIELD Cheesy_Nacho places
on their stack in
NORTHFIELD Cheesy_Nacho returns Rigaud from the Commander Rerolls track
Frigo Relou returns Wolfe from the Commander Rerolls track
Frigo Relou wins the Battle in NORTHFIELD with a final result of 4 vs 1
Frigo Relou advances their Battle Victory Marker 1 position
Frigo Relou rolls
with their remaining
Militia Frigo Relou advances their Battle Victory Marker 1 position
Frigo Relou rolls
Artillery Frigo Relou advances their Battle Victory Marker 1 position
Frigo Relou checks for Commander Casualty and rolls
Frigo Relou rerolls
. Dice results after reroll:
Frigo Relou rerolls
. Dice results after reroll:
Frigo Relou rerolls
. Dice results after reroll:
Frigo Relou rolls
Non-Metropolitan Brigades Frigo Relou advances their Battle Victory Marker 1 position
Frigo Relou rolls
Metropolitan Brigades Cheesy_Nacho advances their Battle Victory Marker 1 position
Cheesy_Nacho rerolls
. Dice results after reroll:
10:15 PM
Cheesy_Nacho rerolls
. Dice results after reroll:
Cheesy_Nacho rolls
Non-Indian Light Frigo Relou selects Wolfe to use in the Battle
Cheesy_Nacho selects Rigaud to use in the Battle
Frigo Relou places
on their stack in
NORTHFIELD Frigo Relou scores 1 Victory Point
Frigo Relou takes control of OSWEGO
Frigo Relou wins the Battle in OSWEGO because there are no enemy units left
Cheesy_Nacho rolls
Non-Indian Light Cheesy_Nacho eliminates
OSWEGO Frigo Relou advances their Battle Victory Marker 1 position
Frigo Relou rolls
Indian Cheesy_Nacho flips
OSWEGO to Reduced
Frigo Relou advances their Battle Victory Marker 1 position
Frigo Relou rolls
Non-Indian Light Frigo Relou scores 2 Victory Points
Frigo Relou takes control of LE DÉTROIT
Frigo Relou wins the Battle in LE DÉTROIT because there are no enemy units left
Frigo Relou rolls
Non-Metropolitan Brigades Frigo Relou rolls
Metropolitan Brigades Cheesy_Nacho removes
from their stack on
LE DÉTROIT Frigo Relou rerolls
. Dice results after reroll:
Frigo Relou rolls
Highland Brigades Cheesy_Nacho places
on their stack in
LE DÉTROIT Frigo Relou selects LE DÉTROIT as Space for the next Battle
Frigo Relou places Spent marker on
NORTHFIELD Frigo Relou moves a stack from ALBANY to NORTHFIELD
Frigo Relou moves a stack from LAKE GEORGE to ALBANY
10:14 PM
Frigo Relou performs Movement with stack in LAKE GEORGE
Cheesy_Nacho places Spent marker on
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from Number Four to NORTHFIELD
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from TICONDEROGA to Number Four
10:13 PM
Cheesy_Nacho performs Movement with stack in TICONDEROGA
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from CHIGNECTOU to the Sail Box
Cheesy_Nacho performs Sail Movement with stack in CHIGNECTOU
Cheesy_Nacho places Spent marker on
Wills Creek Cheesy_Nacho takes control of Wills Creek
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from Mekekasink to Wills Creek
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from FORKS OF THE OHIO to Mekekasink
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from Kithanink to FORKS OF THE OHIO
10:10 PM
Cheesy_Nacho takes control of Kithanink
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from La Presqu'Isle to Kithanink
Cheesy_Nacho takes control of La Presqu'Isle
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from Gennisheyo to La Presqu'Isle
Cheesy_Nacho moves a stack from Onyiudaondagwat to Gennisheyo
Cheesy_Nacho performs Movement with stack in Onyiudaondagwat
Frigo Relou places Spent marker on
OSWEGO Frigo Relou attacks OSWEGO
Frigo Relou moves a stack from BAYE DE CATARACOUY to OSWEGO
Frigo Relou moves a stack from Toronto to BAYE DE CATARACOUY
Frigo Relou takes control of Toronto
Frigo Relou moves a stack from Ouentironk to Toronto
Frigo Relou moves a stack from Matschedash to Ouentironk
Frigo Relou moves a stack from Saugink to Matschedash
Frigo Relou performs Movement with stack in Saugink
Frigo Relou places Spent marker on
LE DÉTROIT Frigo Relou attacks LE DÉTROIT
Frigo Relou moves a stack from Waabishkiigoo Gichigami to LE DÉTROIT
Frigo Relou moves a stack from NIAGARA to Waabishkiigoo Gichigami
3/18/2025 10:07 PM
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