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Mängijate statistika on saadaval ainult Board Game Arena klubi liikmetele

Toeta Board Game Arenat: hakka Premium-liikmeks!

Mängu profiil

DannyT keskmine Kõikide mängijate keskmine Võitjate keskmine
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Number of actions taken
Faction chosen
Starting VPs
First turn order
Dwellings built
Trading houses built
Templeid ehitatud
Sanctuaries built
Strongholds built
Towns founded
Transform to home terrain
Transform to other terrain
Advance on the Shipping track
Advance on the Exchange track
Advance on the Cult of Fire track
Advance on the Cult of Water track
Advance on the Cult of Earth track
Advance on the Cult of Air track
'Build a bridge' Power actions
'Gain 1 priest' Power actions
'Gain 2 workers' Power actions
'Gain 7 coins' Power actions
'Gain 1 spade' Power actions
'Gain 2 spades' Power actions
Sissetulekust saadud mündid
Boonuskaartidelt saadud mündid
Võimuga ostetud mündid
Linna asutamisel saadud mündid
Kultusboonuse eest saadud mündid
Konverteerimisega saadud mündid
Coins earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability
Kokku saadud mündid
Workers earned by income
Workers earned by Power Action
Workers earned by Cult bonus
Workers earned by founding a Town
Töölised saadud ressursside konverteerimisest
Workers earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability
Workers earned (total)
Priests earned by income
Priests earned by Power Action
Priests earned by Cult bonus
Priests earned by founding a Town
Preestrid saadud ressursside konverteerimisest
Priests earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability
Priests earned (total)
Power earned by income
Power earned via structures
Power earned on Cult tracks
Power earned by Cult bonus
Power earned by founding a Town
Power earned by Sacrificing power
Power earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability
Power earned (total)
New Power token gained
Power token sacrificed
VP earned by Scoring tile
VP earned by Favor tile
VP earned by Bonus card
VP earned by Town tile
VP earned by Area scoring
VP earned by Cult scoring
VP earned by Fire & Ice Final Scoring
VP earned by Resource scoring
VP earned by Faction Stronghold or Ability
VP earned by progressing on the Exchange track
VP earned by progressing on the Shipping track
VP earned (total)
Starting VP for the chosen Faction
VP spent to gain Power via structures
VP spent with Faction ability
AITäH! : Sa oled üks meie kõige lojaalsemaid mängijaid!
Saa parim BGA ainult $5 / kuu.