How about creating your own botanical garden?
As an aristocrat in the late 19th century, you have bought land, hired a gardener and set out to find the best plants there are. As you know, the visitors are very picky about the plants they want to see, so your job is not only to acquire the plants, but also to sort them according to the visitors' preferences.
Gardens are not made by singing 'Oh, how beautiful,' and sitting in the shade. - Rudyard Kipling
In Botanicus, you compete for the best action-spots in a unique selection mechanism, and then make the most of the options available to you. You have to collect new plants, take care of them, water them and keep an eye on the gardener. Last but not least, you have to collect some money along the way to pay for all this. In the end, what counts is how many visitors you satisfy and how beautiful your garden is.
Will you be able to outdo the gardens of your competitors in 3 rounds? Find out first how to play by going through the amazing tutorial included, and get to the game page to start your own garden:
It's an amazing Wednesday Release for a 2024 novelty by Hans Im Glück, and we would love to thank them for the authorization to bring it to our platform with the support of the game designers, Samuele Tabellini and Vieri Masseini.
Just as there are no gardens without a gardener, there are no games without a developer, and this one is up to Archduke, who coded everything for your pleasure. Let send him some love (we do too)!
That's it for your WRT. Tomorrow the Essen fair is starting. Which games are you into?
Let us know your feelings on Botanicus!
Take care, play fair, and see you next week (or through the alleys of the fair)!
BOTANICUS: Elu algab päevast, mil alustad aiaga...
Kuidas oleks oma botaanikaaia loomisega?
- sajandi lõpu aristokraadina olete ostnud maad, palganud aedniku ja asunud otsima parimaid taimi. Teatavasti on külastajad väga valivad taimede osas, mida nad näha tahavad, seega pole sinu tööks mitte ainult taimede hankimine, vaid ka nende sorteerimine vastavalt külastajate eelistustele.
Aedu ei tehta laulust "Oh, kui ilus" ja varjus istudes. - Rudyard Kipling
Botanicus võistlete ainulaadse valikumehhanismi abil parimate tegevuskohtade pärast ja kasutate seejärel teile pakutavaid võimalusi. Tuleb uusi taimi kokku korjata, nende eest hoolitseda, kasta ja aednikul silma peal hoida. Viimaseks, kuid mitte vähemtähtsaks, peate selle kõige eest tasumiseks koguma raha. Lõpuks loeb see, kui palju külastajaid te rahuldate ja kui ilus on teie aed.
Kas suudate 3 vooruga konkurentide aedu ületada? Siit saate esmalt teada, kuidas mängida, läbides kaasasoleva hämmastava õpetuse ja minge mängulehele, et luua oma aed:
See on hämmastav Hans Im Glücki 2024. aasta uudsuse kolmapäevane väljalase ja täname neid volituse eest tuua see meie platvormile mängudisainerite Samuele Tabellini toel. ja Vieri Masseini.
Nii nagu pole aedu ilma aednikuta, pole ka mänge ilma arendajata ja see on ertshertsogile, kes kõik teie rõõmuks kodeeris. Saatke talle armastust (meie teeme ka)!
See on teie WRT jaoks kõik. Homme algab Esseni mess. Milliste mängudega sa tegeled?
Andke meile teada oma tunnetest Botanicus!
Hoolige, mängige messi ja kohtumiseni järgmisel nädalal (või läbi messi alleede)!