April fools' day**
Thanks for all your nice comments, and sorry for those who searched this feature everywhere đ
To chat or not to chat during a BGA game: that is the question!
The most important thing we always keep in mind at BGA is that board games is a way to express human interactions. This is why on BGA you play only against other humans, and also why our baseline is "Play with the world".
Beside playing your moves, we consider that chatting with your opponents is part of playing board games. This is the reason why on BGA we let you tell (almost) anything you want in the chat, instead of limiting you to a set of pre-defined interactions like other gaming platforms do.
However, for a fraction of our community, this "chat" part of the game is also a pain. Some of them are too shy to communicate.
Some do not speak the same language than the other players, or not enough to participate. Some may have other reasons, but whatever the reason we, at BGA, care about this part of the community and would like to work on integrating them more.
Thanks to the support of our parent company Asmodee, we have been put in touch at the beginning of last year with OpenAI, a leading company in the domain of AI chatbot, to work on advanced prototypes in order to find commercial applications to their next product which you have now probably heard about: ChatGPT.
The result of this collaboration has been a 12 months joint development effort to build a new feature for Board Game Arena: ShyChat.
By enabling ShyChat on your BGA profile, you will be able to focus 100% on the game you play, while our AI engine takes care of the conversation with your opponents.
Thanks to the powerful technology behind ShyChat, our bot will answer to everything written by your opponents during your BGA game: give the proper salutation and "good luck" when game starts (each time in a very unique way, depending on the context), makes the appropriate comments when an opponent suggests that you could have played a better move (politely explaining him/her to mind their own business), and even defend yourself if your opponent says innapropriate things in an appropriate way (applying best conflict reduction strategies).
But ShyChat do not only answer: it has the initiative to speak when appropriate. ShyChat has been trained ("Machine learning" technology) to recognize certain games situations, and has learned to react in a certain way based on what real human players have said in similar situations. Thus, on your behalf, ShyChat will comment the game when appropriate, doing some interesting comments on the game. If you target again and again the same opponents, it will find you very good rational reasons to do it ("Sorry, I really do not want to target you, but I am forced to do it because of XXX"). If have to quickly quit your computer for few minutes when it is your turn to play, it will tell your opponents something like "I really sorry, I must really take my time on this move" or will enjoy everyone with some jokes to make sure your opponents will no be made at you.
In addition to all of this, ShyChat is strongly customizable so that it matches perfectly your needs. The default "over-polite" will make sure everything is always fine with everyone at your table, while some other settings like "passive-aggressive" (available for Premium players only) will limit the exchange to what is exactly needed to devolve your opponents while you are 100% focused on the game itself. The "multilingual" option allows ShyChat to pretend that you are fluent in all the available languages, and combined with the "make friends" option, it will allow you to make close friends in the whole world with absolutely no effort.
We just would like to do an important disclaimer about the "flirting" option: this option will try to seduce your opponents in a rather effective way. However, and even if our technical partner ensured us that the AI is doing it "in a way that matches the 2023 highest standards", we should recall you that at the end, you are accountable of everything that has been said by you on BGA, even if the messages has been written by ShyChat.
So obviously one question at this step is: why not move this to the next level and create an AI that takes care of your games moves themselves, and not only of the chat message?
Indeed, we are receiving tons of messages from players on BGA that are annoyed by playing board games against humans: "they are so slow", "they are making unmeaningful moves", "you have to learn all these rules, and moving these strange pieces on these overcomplicated boards", "why would I need to do all that while I just want to have fun?".
Well, for now we must admit that the technology is not mature enough, but we are working on a prototype named "DumbBot" that will allow even non gamers to play on BGA, thanks to the AI.
We hope that you will enjoy this new feature a lot, and would like to mention that against all odds... this news has been written by a human.
ShyChat: tÀnu OpenAI-le pole BGA-ga mÀngides enam hÀbelik
Kas vestelda vĂ”i mitte vestelda BGA-mĂ€ngu ajal: see on kĂŒsimus!
KÔige olulisem asi, mida me BGA-s alati meeles peame, on see, et lauamÀngud on inimestevahelise suhtlemise vÀljendamise viis.
SeetÔttu mÀngite BGA-s ainult teiste inimeste vastu ja ka pÔhjus, miks meie lÀhtejoon on "MÀngi maailmaga".
Lisaks kÀikude mÀngimisele arvame, et vastastega vestlemine on osa lauamÀngude mÀngimisest.
See on pÔhjus, miks me BGA-s lubame teil vestluses öelda (peaaegu) kÔike, mida soovite, selle asemel, et piirata teid eelnevalt mÀÀratletud interaktsioonidega, nagu seda teevad teised mÀnguplatvormid.
Kuid murdosale meie kogukonnast on see "vestluse" osa mÀngust samuti piin.
MÔned neist on suhtlemiseks liiga hÀbelikud.
MÔned ei rÀÀgi sama keelt kui teised mÀngijad vÔi ei rÀÀgi piisavalt, et osaleda.
MÔnel vÔib olla muid pÔhjuseid, kuid olenemata pÔhjusest, miks me BGA-s hoolime kogukonna sellest osast ja tahaksime nende integreerimise nimel rohkem tööd teha.
TĂ€nu emaettevĂ”tte Asmodee toele saime eelmise aasta alguses ĂŒhendust AI-vestlusrobotite valdkonna juhtiva ettevĂ”tte OpenAI- ga, et töötada tĂ€iustatud prototĂŒĂŒpide kallal, et leida nende jĂ€rgmisele tootele kommertsrakendusi. millest olete nĂŒĂŒd ilmselt kuulnud: ChatGPT.
Selle koostöö tulemus on 12 kuud kestnud ĂŒhine arendustöö, et luua Board Game Arena uus funktsioon: ShyChat.
Kui lubate oma BGA profiilil ShyChati, saate 100% keskenduda mÀngitavale mÀngule, samal ajal kui meie tehisintellekti mootor hoolitseb teie vastastega vestlemise eest.
TĂ€nu ShyChati taga olevale vĂ”imsale tehnoloogiale vastab meie bot kĂ”igele, mida teie vastased on teie BGA-mĂ€ngu ajal kirjutanud: jagab mĂ€ngu alguses Ă”iget tervitust ja "palju Ă”nne" (iga kord vĂ€ga ainulaadsel viisil, olenevalt kontekstist), teeb asjakohaseid kommentaare, kui vastane soovitab, et oleksite vĂ”inud teha parema kĂ€igu (selgitades talle viisakalt, et tema enda asjadega tegeleda) ja isegi kaitsta ennast, kui vastane ĂŒtleb sobimatuid asju sobival viisil (rakendada parimaid konfliktide vĂ€hendamise strateegiaid) .
Kuid ShyChat ei vasta mitte ainult: tal on initsiatiiv vajadusel rÀÀkida.
ShyChat on koolitatud ("masinÔppe" tehnoloogia) teatud mÀngusituatsioone Àra tundma ning on Ôppinud teatud viisil reageerima selle pÔhjal, mida pÀris inimmÀngijad sarnastes olukordades on öelnud.
Seega kommenteerib ShyChat teie nimel mÀngu, kui see on asjakohane, tehes mÀngu kohta huvitavaid kommentaare.
Kui sihite ikka ja jÀlle samu vastaseid, leiab see teile vÀga hÀid ratsionaalseid pÔhjuseid ("Vabandust, ma tÔesti ei taha sind sihtida, aga olen sunnitud seda tegema XXX tÔttu").
Kui peate oma mĂ€ngukorra ajal mĂ”neks minutiks arvutist kiiresti vĂ€ljuma, ĂŒtleb see teie vastastele midagi sellist nagu "Vabandust, ma pean selle kĂ€iguga tĂ”esti aega vĂ”tma" vĂ”i naudib kĂ”iki naljaga, et veenduda. teie vastaseid ei tehta teile vastu.
Lisaks kÔigele sellele on ShyChat tugevalt kohandatav, et see vastaks ideaalselt teie vajadustele.
Vaikimisi "ĂŒleviisakas" tagab, et teie lauas olijatega on kĂ”ik alati korras, samas kui mĂ”ned muud sĂ€tted, nagu "passiiv-agressiivne" (saadaval ainult Premium-mĂ€ngijatele), piiravad vahetust sellega, mis on tĂ€pselt vajalik teie vastaste ĂŒleandmiseks. samal ajal kui olete 100% keskendunud mĂ€ngule endale.
Valik "Mitmekeelne" vÔimaldab ShyChatil teeselda, et valdate vabalt kÔiki saadaolevaid keeli, ja koos valikuga "sÔbranna" vÔimaldab see teil ilma pingutuseta leida lÀhedasi sÔpru kogu maailmas.
Tahaksime lihtsalt teha olulise lahtiĂŒtluse "flirtimise" variandi kohta: see valik pĂŒĂŒab teie vastaseid ĂŒsna tĂ”husal viisil vĂ”rgutada.
Kuid isegi kui meie tehniline partner tagas meile, et AI teeb seda "2023. aasta kÔrgeimatele standarditele vastaval viisil", peaksime teile meelde tuletama, et lÔpuks vastutate kÔige eest, mida olete BGA-s öelnud. , isegi kui sÔnumid on kirjutanud ShyChat.
Ilmselgelt on selles etapis ĂŒks kĂŒsimus: miks mitte viia see jĂ€rgmisele tasemele ja luua AI, mis hoolitseb teie mĂ€nguliigutuste eest, mitte ainult vestlussĂ”numi eest?
TĂ”epoolest, me saame BGA-s palju sĂ”numeid mĂ€ngijatelt, kes on vihased inimeste vastu lauamĂ€ngude mĂ€ngimisest : "nad on nii aeglased", "nad teevad mĂ”ttetuid liigutusi", "peate Ă”ppima kĂ”iki neid reegleid ja neid kummalisi liigutama". tĂŒkki nendel ĂŒlekeerulistel tahvlitel", "miks ma peaksin seda kĂ”ike tegema, kui tahan lihtsalt lĂ”butseda?".
Noh, praegu peame tunnistama, et tehnoloogia ei ole piisavalt kĂŒps, kuid töötame prototĂŒĂŒbi "DumbBot" kallal, mis vĂ”imaldab tĂ€nu AI-le mĂ€ngida ka mittemĂ€ngijatel BGA-l.
Loodame, et teile meeldib see uus funktsioon palju ja soovime mainida, et kÔikvÔimalikud...
selle uudise on kirjutanud inimene.