Kõik teated
Nova Luna teatab veast
#79063: "Scroll down should not zoom out"
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Soovitus: minu arvates parandaks järgnev oluliselt mängu rakendamist
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• Palun selgita oma ettepanekut täpselt ja lühidalt, et oleks võimalikult lihtne mõista, mida silmas pead.
When using a trackpad (playing on a laptop), scrolling down using two fingers swipes causes the player area to zoom out. (The same thing happens in Carcassonne). It's annoying because you can't scroll around your player area to get a good look at your tiles placed without using the side scrollbar. I always open two screens just for this game so that I can see the board/wheel and my played tiles side-by-side.
Maybe the "onwheel" event or something like that is calling a zoom. I think it would be better to leave zooming in and out to a zoom in/out button, or people can use their browsers to zoom.
And then having the wheel and the player area (placed tiles) being displayed in two columns, next to each other, for a broader range of screen widths would be great.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v108
Aruande ajalugu
theAudsMustBeCrazy • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
jaan 12 th 2023 17:55 • Fixing the zoom thing would be awesome on Carcassonne, too. It's equally annoying there.
Livini • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
märts 5 th 2023 19:55 • #353588789
The whole layout of Nova Luna is extremely hard for me to navigate. I can't see the wheel at the same time as my tiles, so I need to constantly scroll up and down. But when I scroll, I keep accidentally zooming in and out. All of this makes it really hard for me to think about my moves, which prevents me from enjoying the game and also hugely slows me down. The other player in this game kicked me out because of it. (I'm not blaming them for kicking me btw)
The whole layout of Nova Luna is extremely hard for me to navigate. I can't see the wheel at the same time as my tiles, so I need to constantly scroll up and down. But when I scroll, I keep accidentally zooming in and out. All of this makes it really hard for me to think about my moves, which prevents me from enjoying the game and also hugely slows me down. The other player in this game kicked me out because of it. (I'm not blaming them for kicking me btw)
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