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Photosynthesis teatab veast
#78639: "Several log messages don't get colored player names"
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• Palun selgita oma ettepanekut täpselt ja lühidalt, et oleks võimalikult lihtne mõista, mida silmas pead.
In most of the log messages, player names get displayed correctly in the player color.
But I noticed several different messages where this is not the case.
For instance "[player] gets [X] from photosynthesis" is the most common with this problem.
See screenshots here for other log messages: imgur.com/a/XSr7BLq
• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v108
Aruande ajalugu
jaan 5 th 2023 11:28 •
lordalx • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
jaan 5 th 2023 18:35 • This is a normal behavior, I only provided the names colored when it's an action from a given player, it helps reading the several moves performed by each player
I convert this as a suggestion instead
I convert this as a suggestion instead
wolmot • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
jaan 5 th 2023 22:31 • Aha, I didn’t realise it was intentional.
Now that you mention it, indeed it only happens for neutral game events, not active player moves.
That kind of makes sense, it just seems not in line with what I am used from other BGA games, typically whenever a player name is logged it is always in corresponding color.
Now that you mention it, indeed it only happens for neutral game events, not active player moves.
That kind of makes sense, it just seems not in line with what I am used from other BGA games, typically whenever a player name is logged it is always in corresponding color.
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Palun lisage siia midagi, mis tundub asjakohane selle vea reprodutseerimiseks või teie soovituse mõistmiseks:
- Teine laua ID / käigu ID
- Kas F5 lahendas probleemi?
- Kas probleem esines mitmel korral? Igal korral?
- Kui sul on sellest veast ekraanipilt (hea tava), saad kasutada Imgur.com selle üleslaadimiseks ja lingi siia kopeerida.