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#56366: "Clearer role selection (all roles listed on the same row ordered by number; including missing roles)"
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Soovitus: minu arvates parandaks järgnev oluliselt mängu rakendamist
Detailne kirjeldus
• Palun selgita oma ettepanekut täpselt ja lühidalt, et oleks võimalikult lihtne mõista, mida silmas pead.
Current implementation (when submitting this) is:
- Pickable roles are shown in color, followed by publicly unavailable characters grayed out.
- Unavailable roles are listed nowhere
When selecting a role, I think this visualization would playing the game much smoother:
- All roles are listed in a single line from 1-8. Publicly unavailable roles and missing roles (roles that are either taken or in the deck) are listed among the available ones while being grayed out, or marked with an overlay frame marking them unavailable (e.g. with texts "Unavailable" and "Missing" going across the role card).
Currently, when picking a role, every player has to manually compare the hand of role cards they get to 1. the role turn order list AND 2. to the unavailable roles, to figure out what roles are MISSING (taken or were left in deck). This is completely unneccessary and only serves to make role selection last much longer than it needs to.
Listing all roles in a single line when picking - regardless of availability - solves this problem.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v96
Aruande ajalugu
jaan 3 rd 2022 18:44 •
Phulla • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
jaan 3 rd 2022 19:12 • Lisa midagi sellele raportile
Palun lisage siia midagi, mis tundub asjakohane selle vea reprodutseerimiseks või teie soovituse mõistmiseks:
- Teine laua ID / käigu ID
- Kas F5 lahendas probleemi?
- Kas probleem esines mitmel korral? Igal korral?
- Kui sul on sellest veast ekraanipilt (hea tava), saad kasutada Imgur.com selle üleslaadimiseks ja lingi siia kopeerida.