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#36121: "Switch to a more traditional "around the table" layout"
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• Palun selgita oma ettepanekut täpselt ja lühidalt, et oleks võimalikult lihtne mõista, mida silmas pead.
It would be nice if the game could switch to a more traditional layout, like Hearts: i.postimg.cc/3JQpxprZ/Hearts-layout.png
This would make it easier to keep track of player order and remove the need to highlight every card in the player colours.
The old layout could still be a player preference.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Mozilla Firefox 86.0
Aruande ajalugu
KongKing123 • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
märts 13 th 2021 0:34 • Suggested by rus401 in boardgamearena.com/group?id=1584831.
LaszloK • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
märts 13 th 2021 8:55 • A very reasonable suggestion, but having to be backwards compatible with the current layout makes things a bit more complicated than it should be. It's going to be a question of time if/when this is implemented; for now I'll leave the request open.
KongKing123 • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
märts 16 th 2021 16:59 • As far as I'm concerned, the old layout can be replaced entirely if this would make it easier to implement.
I've made a poll about it here: boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=131&t=20170
I've made a poll about it here: boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=131&t=20170
LaszloK • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
märts 16 th 2021 21:29 • The "Oh Hell players" group has 60,800 members and I don't think there's any hope of consulting a representative sample of that many people, so I'll have to be as conservative as possible about making any changes that aren't fully backwards compatible.
KongKing123 • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
märts 19 th 2021 20:38 •
dets 27 th 2022 22:44 • Understandable. You could post the poll in the group to give it more exposure and get a general idea.
Though as usual, most complaints would probably only pop up after a change. :)
Though as usual, most complaints would probably only pop up after a change. :)
LiterallyPants • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
veebr 11 th 2023 16:51 •
aug 30 th 2023 22:03 •
veebr 18 th 2024 10:45 •
aug 28 th 2024 16:33 • I agree with this suggestion. This game could be improved by a traditional card table layout. As is, my game group tends to play Spades or Hearts since the card flow is more intuitive to follow.
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