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#25796: "points for snake with head and tail on the same tile counted twice"
fixed: Viga on parandatud
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Reeglid: mängu reeglit rikuti
Detailne kirjeldus
• Millist osa BGA kohandamisest ei järgitud
Blue snake was finished with a tile that had head and tail on it, but it was the same snake. Point were counted twice.• Kas reeglite rikkumist on mängu taasesitusel näha? Kui jah, siis mitmendal käigul?
When replaying, it displays correctly, however, during the game it countinues to cound with the double points and its shown in the history twice as well (see screenshot)• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v85
Aruande ajalugu
okt 5 th 2020 18:31 •
okt 10 th 2020 18:11 •
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