Kõik teated
Cribbage teatab veast
#19832: "Enhance end-of-hand scoring info"
acknowledged: Arendajad nõustuvad, et see on hea idee ning kavatsevad selle kallal tööd teha
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Soovitus: minu arvates parandaks järgnev oluliselt mängu rakendamist
Detailne kirjeldus
• Palun selgita oma ettepanekut täpselt ja lühidalt, et oleks võimalikult lihtne mõista, mida silmas pead.
When a hand ends, points are broken down nicely in the game log, but it would be nice to more accurately represent how scoring in a real game is done by highlighting the applicable cards while showing the applicable scoring message in large type on the main playfield, e.g. "PAIR: 2 points" while highlighting the pair, "RUN: 3 points" while highlighting the 3 cards, etc.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v83
Aruande ajalugu
juuni 26 th 2020 3:19 •
obsidian_octagon • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
juuli 10 th 2020 7:57 • I agree. If there was also a way to pause the cards to see someone's hand without going to the log, that would be nice.
MikeIsHere • Arendajad nõustuvad, et see on hea idee ning kavatsevad selle kallal tööd teha:
juuli 13 th 2020 23:33 • Actively looking at this... the issue is the hand is sorted to find runs, and then not sorted when displayed ... need to correlate the display and the counter so the correct cards are displayed (including the cut card) my first thought is to have the cards grown a little in size and then shrink back to 100% for a popping effect but am open to ideas
Nisterius • Arendajad nõustuvad, et see on hea idee ning kavatsevad selle kallal tööd teha:
sept 13 th 2020 5:41 • I like having the cards grow; or just raise up (in -x, and in shadow), and then return.
Maybe one second for each scoring feature.
Also neat might be the score value popping up and fading away over each combo - see Papayoo when you take a point card.
Maybe one second for each scoring feature.
Also neat might be the score value popping up and fading away over each combo - see Papayoo when you take a point card.
Musealot • Arendajad nõustuvad, et see on hea idee ning kavatsevad selle kallal tööd teha:
nov 19 th 2020 7:09 • Having a little more time to see the Crib scoring would be nice...especially for beginners.
Ewalker • Arendajad nõustuvad, et see on hea idee ning kavatsevad selle kallal tööd teha:
dets 20 th 2020 19:53 • So happy to see Cribbage added! Able to get my 80-year old Dad playing online.
I think an option for manual advancement after scoring each hand/crib would provide the most flexibility to address the needs of older folks, complicated hands, beginners, etc.
I think an option for manual advancement after scoring each hand/crib would provide the most flexibility to address the needs of older folks, complicated hands, beginners, etc.
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