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#18536: "Table Expansion option available at bottom of Screen (like already in a similar game at BGA)"
rejected: Arendajad arvavad, et see ei ole hea mõte või et kulude ja tulude suhe on liiga kõrge
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• Palun selgita oma ettepanekut täpselt ja lühidalt, et oleks võimalikult lihtne mõista, mida silmas pead.
It would be nice, if there was a table view expansion available (Like in Carcassonne game already on BGA).
It's at bottom, and if you click (enlarge screen or some wording) it expands the viewable space at increments per clicking it, so you can see more of the tiles/game play area.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Mozilla v5
Aruande ajalugu
juuni 2 nd 2020 12:14 •
A-dam • Arendajad arvavad, et see ei ole hea mõte või et kulude ja tulude suhe on liiga kõrge:
juuni 21 st 2020 21:51 • Hi,
if you play with mouse, you can achieve that with wheel scrolling. If you play with phone/tablat you can use the slider for that purpose.
So I dont see where is the problem
if you play with mouse, you can achieve that with wheel scrolling. If you play with phone/tablat you can use the slider for that purpose.
So I dont see where is the problem
Cheery Dog • Arendajad arvavad, et see ei ole hea mõte või et kulude ja tulude suhe on liiga kõrge:
juuli 13 th 2020 12:45 • Zooming is not the same as being able to see more of the table.
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