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#158310: "Flags not cleared on new cards"
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Viga kuvamisel: osa kuvatud teabest oli vale (mõjutamata oluliselt mängu käiku)
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• Kirjelda kuvamise probleemi. Kui sul on sellest veast ekraanipilt (hea tava), saad kasutada Imgur.com selle üleslaadimiseks ja lingi siia kopeerida.
I had an action where I could compost a card from my hand and receive a new card. The card I composted had a red flag set on it. When I received the new card, the card had the red flag set. It should not have any flags set. The card that I used was called Black Raspberries.
I composted the jungle card with a red x flag.
It gave me the White Oak from the deck and the red flag was set on it.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v133
Aruande ajalugu
AWildBirdLover • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
veebr 17 th 2025 15:27 •
bennygui • Selle vea taasloomiseks on arendajatel vaja rohkem teavet:
veebr 17 th 2025 21:44 • Please comment when the game is over so that I can watch the replay!
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- Kui sul on sellest veast ekraanipilt (hea tava), saad kasutada Imgur.com selle üleslaadimiseks ja lingi siia kopeerida.