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#154438: "Screen Art won't get past 10 %"
fixed: Viga on parandatud
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Loading game art (10%)• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v132
Aruande ajalugu
Withacee • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
jaan 23 rd 2025 17:30 • I did have a game that played, but none since January 19
vincentcroquette • Viga on parandatud:
jaan 25 th 2025 21:42 • Thank you for your patience.
The issue encountered is due to the addition of the "9-hole" game mode, which seems to have caused ongoing games to be automatically interpreted as "9-hole" games on the platform.
This resulted in inconsistencies, particularly with the scoring system.
A fix has been implemented to allow you to complete your game in "18-hole" mode, restoring your access to the game area.
Thank you again, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
The issue encountered is due to the addition of the "9-hole" game mode, which seems to have caused ongoing games to be automatically interpreted as "9-hole" games on the platform.
This resulted in inconsistencies, particularly with the scoring system.
A fix has been implemented to allow you to complete your game in "18-hole" mode, restoring your access to the game area.
Thank you again, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.
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