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#150752: "when having 2 Mighty Jinn, one fleeting and one not we need to know which one we want to put in mana"
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Reeglid: mängu reeglit rikuti
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• Millist osa BGA kohandamisest ei järgitud
i had 2 mighty jinn, and put the wrong one in mana because I had no way to know for which mighty jinn I had the choose between drawing and putting in mana.• Kas reeglite rikkumist on mängu taasesitusel näha? Kui jah, siis mitmendal käigul?
anytime you have two jinns• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v131
Aruande ajalugu
dets 24 th 2024 15:37 •
ZGoodzBadAndzMeeple • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
jaan 26 th 2025 3:55 • Other occurence with 2 mightly Jinns #620833716
first was not fleeting, i put it in reserve.
then 4 options happens, 2 go to reserve, 2 go to mana, click on one go to reserve, the mighty djinn from the discard went to reserve and the second one never left the expedition !!
Day 6
first was not fleeting, i put it in reserve.
then 4 options happens, 2 go to reserve, 2 go to mana, click on one go to reserve, the mighty djinn from the discard went to reserve and the second one never left the expedition !!
Day 6
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