#150054: "When attempting to place a building I get this message: Unexpected error: Overlaps with shape 1 ..."
Mille kohta see veateade on?
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• Milline oli mängu tegevus, mida tahtsid sooritada?
I wanted to place a building.• Mida püüdsid teha, et seda mängu tegevust käivitada?
I tried to confirm the move.• Mis juhtus, kui seda proovisite (veateade, mängu olekuriba teade, ...)?
Unexpected error: Overlaps with shape 1(actionBuild:968) (reference: GS1 18/12 20:50:32)
• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v131
Aruande ajalugu
Please provide these necessary details and include a screenshot so we can resolve this for you.
Table #600236565
Move #128
Table #600232488
Move #119
Both tables are currently open on my unfinished turn.
They are illegal placements. You must first clear the forest before building.
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