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#141136: "started a 2 player game with a pass and play opponent to learn it. fails to start of the bat"
fixed: Viga on parandatud
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• Mis oli ekraanil, kui sind blokeeriti? (Tühi ekraan? Osa mänguliidesest? Veateade?)
started a 2 player game with a pass and play opponent to learn it. fails to start of the bat
got to game top left gives message something wrong happened get me out of here.
• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v129
Aruande ajalugu
okt 7 th 2024 20:44 •
andrelmlins • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
okt 18 th 2024 3:05 •
jaan 24 th 2025 20:31 • Hello, thank you for submitting this bug report.
I was unable to reproduce the bug, could you please start a new game and run this stream?
I was unable to reproduce the bug, could you please start a new game and run this stream?
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