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#138743: "Floating Hands"
inforequest: Arendajad sooviksid selle ettepaneku kohta rohkem informatsiooni
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Soovitus: minu arvates parandaks järgnev oluliselt mängu rakendamist
Detailne kirjeldus
• Palun selgita oma ettepanekut täpselt ja lühidalt, et oleks võimalikult lihtne mõista, mida silmas pead.
Floating hand of cattle and second floating hand of workers so players don't need to scroll that much.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v128
Aruande ajalugu
sept 18 th 2024 16:40 •
firgon • Arendajad sooviksid selle ettepaneku kohta rohkem informatsiooni:
dets 6 th 2024 11:10 • We will see. Floating hand is not really approved by player. Let's see if this suggestion is largely upvoted.
landon1013 • Arendajad sooviksid selle ettepaneku kohta rohkem informatsiooni:
jaan 15 th 2025 0:52 • I could see the benefit of this if done similarly to Ark Nova. However, with a game like Ark Nova its a lot harder to remember which of the 90,000,000 animals you had in your hand, so depending on work needed for the feature it might not be a great idea.
Phoxtrot • Arendajad sooviksid selle ettepaneku kohta rohkem informatsiooni:
jaan 22 nd 2025 20:09 • I don't like floating hands.
For me the solution is elsewhere : either tabs or shortcuts (or both)
For me the solution is elsewhere : either tabs or shortcuts (or both)
firgon • Arendajad sooviksid selle ettepaneku kohta rohkem informatsiooni:
jaan 23 rd 2025 10:04 • yes tricky problem, every player has his preferences... I don't like shortcuts... Of course, if i add floating hand, it will be optional (like on FS with a pin)
orangeglacier • Arendajad sooviksid selle ettepaneku kohta rohkem informatsiooni:
veebr 3 rd 2025 4:13 • I think at a minimum, it would be useful to see the worker count in the player sidebar so you don't have to scroll down.
Magritte72 • Arendajad sooviksid selle ettepaneku kohta rohkem informatsiooni:
veebr 18 th 2025 23:47 • Make all the information available on one screen in short form - by all means scroll down for full sized info but for the love of god get rid of all the needless scrolling!
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