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#126818: "Terra Mystica game progression % is just wrong"
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• Kirjelda kuvamise probleemi. Kui sul on sellest veast ekraanipilt (hea tava), saad kasutada Imgur.com selle üleslaadimiseks ja lingi siia kopeerida.
I know it doesn't affect much, other than being able to concede in 2 player games, but the game progression for Terra Mystica is just blatantly wrong. Since I'm playing a few turn based games that could take weeks, it helps me to know which is why by looking at the summary page and seeing how far along I am in each of my games, so it would be nice if this could be updated to be more accurate.
The game has a setup stage, followed by 6 rounds of play. You'd think such a clear definition of rounds would make it easier than most games to give an approximate % of how much of the game is played. For instance, maybe the setup stage (choosing factions, placing starting locations, and choosing bonus tiles) could count as 4% of the game, and each of the 6 rounds of play would then be 16% each.
As it is now, the % seems to go up 16% at a time, but only after the 2nd round is complete. So after you've played 2 rounds out of 6, it says that you've played 16% of the game, when it should obviously be 33/34% (assuming you're not counting the setup stage). After you're done with 4 rounds and playing the 5th round of 6, it says the game is 50% done. That just doesn't make a lot of sense.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v125
Aruande ajalugu
Fromper • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
juuni 9 th 2024 19:42 • This applies to all tables in this game, not just the table # I gave here.
Pinstar1 • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
okt 1 st 2024 16:12 • This happened to me. We are currently on the final round of the game. 3/4 of the players have passed, yet the game only shows 67% progression.
I confirmed with the other players that the % is off for them too. The first few rounds had the progression at 0%
None of this has had any negative impacts on the game itself. All rules are being followed and scoring is correct. Everybody is able to perform legal moves as expected.
I confirmed with the other players that the % is off for them too. The first few rounds had the progression at 0%
None of this has had any negative impacts on the game itself. All rules are being followed and scoring is correct. Everybody is able to perform legal moves as expected.
master_x • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
nov 22 nd 2024 0:30 • Was about to post this bug and found this post already, adding my +1. The TM completion tracker drives my OCD brain crazy. It does seem to be implemented exactly like what is described here: (number of rounds completed - 1) / 6 seems to be the current implementation, and it should instead just be number of rounds completed / 6.
OscarBricks • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
dets 18 th 2024 14:28 • In addition to the things mentioned, the progress % is different depending on whether you're at the game table, or looking at the game from somewhere else on the site like the tournament overview.
boardgamearena.com/6/terramystica?table=600593424 has progress at 50%
boardgamearena.com/tournament?id=344241 has progress of the same table at 34%
My games in progress tab also says 34%.
I would estimate the game is somewhere around 60% complete.
boardgamearena.com/6/terramystica?table=600593424 has progress at 50%
boardgamearena.com/tournament?id=344241 has progress of the same table at 34%
My games in progress tab also says 34%.
I would estimate the game is somewhere around 60% complete.
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