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MLEM: Space Agency teatab veast
#121116: "Can't use +-1 Cat on full moon"
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• Milline oli mängu tegevus, mida tahtsid sooritada?
Use my +-1 Cat to reach a planet while our ship was at a moon with all the moons full• Mida püüdsid teha, et seda mängu tegevust käivitada?
I couldn't do anything, game automatically continued without giving me a chance to take my action• Mis juhtus, kui seda proovisite (veateade, mängu olekuriba teade, ...)?
The game automatically rerolled for the next turn, probably because the game assumed that no one could take an action on a full spot• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
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Aruande ajalugu
apr 16 th 2024 2:26 •
USDescartes • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
juuni 16 th 2024 7:44 • Table #523790316
Move #75
I am on space #6, both moons on that space are occupied. I am the commander of the ship and am playing with the ±1 player token. Planet on space 7 is totally unoccupied and I am not given the choice to disembark. VERY frustrating! It is ONLY spaces 0-5 that are supposed to be automatic re-rolls. If someone has the ±1 token, they are supposed to be given the choice to get off. Grrr.
Move #75
I am on space #6, both moons on that space are occupied. I am the commander of the ship and am playing with the ±1 player token. Planet on space 7 is totally unoccupied and I am not given the choice to disembark. VERY frustrating! It is ONLY spaces 0-5 that are supposed to be automatic re-rolls. If someone has the ±1 token, they are supposed to be given the choice to get off. Grrr.
Shaevor • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
jaan 24 th 2025 8:39 • same issue, very annoying boardgamearena.com/6/mlem?table=614017605&replayFrom=228
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