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Terra Mystica teatab veast
#120019: "Dwarves double tunnel?"
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Reeglid: mängu reeglit rikuti
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• Millist osa BGA kohandamisest ei järgitud
In round 6 I was able to use the double dig action and tunnel twice to terraform two non-adjacent hexes. The other players told me this should not be possible!• Kas reeglite rikkumist on mängu taasesitusel näha? Kui jah, siis mitmendal käigul?
I can't access the replay at the minute, it was the first action of round 6 though.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v123
Aruande ajalugu
OscarBricks • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
apr 5 th 2024 22:46 •
apr 6 th 2024 22:02 • The interface for double dig appeared to highlight the diggable hexes correctly, only the highlighted ones, however it still allowed me to select and use one which was a step away.
sheppo • Viga on kinnitatud arendajate poolt. :
veebr 24 th 2025 10:50 • Also happens in this game, around move 405
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