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#11953: "Stuck in option: unload your canoe (couldn't do it) and couldn't finish my turn"
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• Milline oli mängu tegevus, mida tahtsid sooritada?
I want to unload my canoe or just finish my turn without doing more action, but i cannot. Game told me i have to move my canoe or unload cristals but i couldn't do it and i couldnt finish turn.• Mida püüdsid teha, et seda mängu tegevust käivitada?
click "unload" and refresh page• Mis juhtus, kui seda proovisite (veateade, mängu olekuriba teade, ...)?
Game said I cannot unload my cristal. There were no way to solve this problem• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Google Chrome v72
Aruande ajalugu
veebr 15 th 2019 20:03 •
jungleVIP • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
nov 8 th 2020 20:30 • Same problem. Can't make a legal move.
Table #120876382
Move #174
Progression 32%
Table #120876382
Move #174
Progression 32%
ConnorSeethem • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
aug 23 rd 2023 17:28 • I had this exact same issue and as a result had to quit the game and lost 10 reputation points and some other loss
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