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River Valley Glassworks teatab veast
#115592: "Undo action is not working last turn"
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• Milline oli mängu tegevus, mida tahtsid sooritada?
Maybe I don’t know the game well enough, but I want to undo and select a different river tile. My turn is in progress if you want to try; just click the undo.• Mida püüdsid teha, et seda mängu tegevust käivitada?
Selected a river tile• Mis juhtus, kui seda proovisite (veateade, mängu olekuriba teade, ...)?
The stones went to my hand and placed on board automatically. Now I want to undo and pick a different river tile• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
Chome on iPad
Aruande ajalugu
LordLlad • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
veebr 24 th 2024 0:57 •
märts 3 rd 2024 10:48 • Refresh did not help. Undo repeats the action of moving stones overflow and boutique.
Holy Jam • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
apr 19 th 2024 15:35 • I also experienced this boardgamearena.com/6/rivervalleyglassworks?table=501257448.
The turn involved is where the orange piece drops into the 6th column but I am now wishing I could select a different river tile.
There is an Undo button that is taunting me rather than letting me actually make a different decision. I agree with the comment posted at 2024-02-12 7:36 by Nattytom501 at the duplicate report.
No other player has had their screen animated with my move so it would cause no harm to let me choose a different river tile now that I see how it resolved on my board. I would also be compassionate for a player in real life seeing an error and letting them unwind a turn.
The turn involved is where the orange piece drops into the 6th column but I am now wishing I could select a different river tile.
There is an Undo button that is taunting me rather than letting me actually make a different decision. I agree with the comment posted at 2024-02-12 7:36 by Nattytom501 at the duplicate report.
No other player has had their screen animated with my move so it would cause no harm to let me choose a different river tile now that I see how it resolved on my board. I would also be compassionate for a player in real life seeing an error and letting them unwind a turn.
Malteac • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
aug 9 th 2024 11:31 •
aug 11 th 2024 7:31 • Experienced on iPhone when taking Stones from the river that could automaticly be placed on my board.
JorVetsby • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
jaan 3 rd 2025 17:49 • I have had this happen multiple times, both on mobile and desktop. I haven't always needed to use the Undo button, but every single time I have tried it hasn't worked. It just repeats the last animation and keeps the game state the same as it was.
orangeglacier • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
jaan 18 th 2025 3:35 • "Imagine playing in real life and after taking the glass from the river you decide to return them back to the river. It will be a bit frustrating in my opinion."
It would be frustrating in real life because they would have to remember where the glass came from, might forget, and you're waiting for them to take their turn. In a digital adaptation none of those are issues so I completely disagree with this reasoning. Undo should go back to the start of the turn as long as no new hidden information is revealed.
You can always have an option at game configuration if some users want to play without this undo.
It would be frustrating in real life because they would have to remember where the glass came from, might forget, and you're waiting for them to take their turn. In a digital adaptation none of those are issues so I completely disagree with this reasoning. Undo should go back to the start of the turn as long as no new hidden information is revealed.
You can always have an option at game configuration if some users want to play without this undo.
xobxela • Viga ei ole veel arendajate poolt taasloodud:
jaan 25 th 2025 7:10 • Even though no new information has been revealed the undo button does not let you undo your turn, which should be the function of the undo button. Obviously in any situation when new information is revealed in a game, no undo option should be available but this is not the case.
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