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#107708: "In tournament games, expelling a player who is out of time should be a unanimous decision"
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• Palun selgita oma ettepanekut täpselt ja lühidalt, et oleks võimalikult lihtne mõista, mida silmas pead.
There are frequent issues with the current system, discussed in this thread: boardgamearena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=31083
The problem arises in a multiplayer game (three or more players). Suppose one player has a clear lead, while another player has exceeded the time allotment. At present, the player who's overtime is not automatically booted, but any other player can activate a boot, which results in the game being considered a tie among all players not out of time. So as the game nears the finish, any player who is headed for a loss has an incentive to boot the out-of-time player, terminating the game. The player who was actually leading in gameplay is deprived of a likely win; all players are deprived of the satisfaction of finishing the game naturally, even though there was enough time to finish, just because one player exceeded the time allotment and one player activated an expulsion.
Instead, in a tournament game the decision to skip a player for exceeding the time allotment should be unanimous; all players with time remaining on their clock should have to agree to boot the player thus ending the game prematurely. If any player with time remaining wants to continue playing, then the game will go either until it finishes or until the maximum game duration (as set by the tournament creator) is reached.• mis on sinu veebilehitseja?
not relevant
Aruande ajalugu
Mathew5000 • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
dets 18 th 2023 6:34 • In my view, this solution is preferable to the proposals in the following suggestions which address the same problem:
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=35239 #35239 (booting an overtime player should be a majority decision)
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=35289 #35289 (booting an overtime player should not be permitted at all in multiplayer tournament games)
I do think that either of those suggestions would be preferable to the status quo, however.
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=35239 #35239 (booting an overtime player should be a majority decision)
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=35289 #35289 (booting an overtime player should not be permitted at all in multiplayer tournament games)
I do think that either of those suggestions would be preferable to the status quo, however.
mrdoctor • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
dets 18 th 2023 20:15 • 100% agree - have often seen situations where 2 players are in the red on time in a tournament, and one of the 2 players in the red has kicked out the other to make sure it's not them who've been kicked out.
Likewise, plenty of situations where people kick out a player out-of-time if it looks like they're about to lose, but they know that by kicking someone else out that can scam themselves a win.
Likewise, plenty of situations where people kick out a player out-of-time if it looks like they're about to lose, but they know that by kicking someone else out that can scam themselves a win.
BananaHarambe • Arendajad ei ole seda soovitust veel analüüsinud:
nov 22 nd 2024 21:08 • agreed on this as a simple common sense feature for tournaments.
Since the feature needs to be universal I think this works fine in every common scenario in 3/4 player games. The effects of a skipped game vary based on tournament type so leave it up to the players to decide if skipping is optimal for them. This allows players to expel players to speed up tournaments, which makes it better than completely disabling the skip player button for tournaments.
Tournament integrity would rarely be affected because the skip is unanimous. The worst case is that players can use it to intentionally draw against remaining players, but these are 3+ player tournaments which are generally casual anyways.
Since the feature needs to be universal I think this works fine in every common scenario in 3/4 player games. The effects of a skipped game vary based on tournament type so leave it up to the players to decide if skipping is optimal for them. This allows players to expel players to speed up tournaments, which makes it better than completely disabling the skip player button for tournaments.
Tournament integrity would rarely be affected because the skip is unanimous. The worst case is that players can use it to intentionally draw against remaining players, but these are 3+ player tournaments which are generally casual anyways.
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